Mock Test

Welcome to Sungrace Yoga


There are mock tests available for Level 1 Yoga exams. Please choose appropriate test from following.

These are sample tests to give you an idea about online exams, please read the instructions before starting the mock test. Enter your Name and E-mail-ID, you will receive the results on your mail for reference. It is mandatory to provide this information else test will not start.

There is option to go to next question once you answer the current question, you can also come back to previous question using ‘back’ button. If you are not sure about the answer or would like to review the question later before finishing the test, there is ‘Review Question’ button at top, which will mark the question for review and will show that question number in Yellow colour, rest of the question numbers will be in Green colour which is answered/attempted, Question number showing in White are not attempted.

At the end, when you answer the last question, press ‘Quiz-summary’ button, it will ask to ‘Finish Quiz’, however, if you have time and see some question numbers in Yellow colour, you can revisit that question by clicking on that question number, else if you are done with test, you can press ‘Finish Quiz’ button.

It will show you result, points correct answered out of total questions and percentage you have obtained.

Below that, you can see ‘View questions’ button, which will show you all the questions with correct and incorrect answers (Green marking is for correct, Red marking for wrong). It will help you to understand which topics you may need to re-read or focus.

You can keep the copy of this answer sheet by pressing ‘Ctrl+P’ (Print) and save it as PDF or take a hard copy print out.

All the best !

Level-1 mock tests

Unit Test 1 (60 Qs - 2 hrs)

Unit Test 2 (60 Qs - 2 hrs)

Final Mock Test (60 Qs - 2 hrs)


B101, Nisarg City, Phase 1,
Kaspate Vasti,
Wakad, Pune 411 057




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